The newspaper is kept in the press archive of the organization of libraries, museums and document center of Astan Quds Razavi.
Etela’at Newspaper. Tuesday, 6 February 1979
Unprecedented flight of phantoms and helicopters over Tehran
Imam Khomeini: If the present government quits, we will solve the chaos.
Massive demonstrations to support Bazargan.
Today the flood of people in country shout: Bazargan, Bazargan, congratulation your government
Bazargan: My cabinet is not an imaginary and illusory cabinet.
Members of the Revolutionary Council and the Provisional Government
Wave of protest against the arrest of Haj Seyyed Javadi
Invitation to Thursday's Big Rally
The Islamic State is not in monopoly of anyone.
Iran pulls back from Sento.
Savak's dissolution and ministers’ trial bills pass.
The prime minister went to the parliament by helicopter.
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