
The history of AQR library

The history of AQR library has met different historical events in Khorasan and Mashhad. Six centuries ago, the true faith of unknown endowers and donors led to the emergence of the first flash of this holy sight. Subsequently, certain factors, which are the following, contributed to its success: Attention of the religious sciences students in Mashhad, the learned and far-sighted pilgrims, care of servants and those who were interested in Imam Reza (AS) court.

Specific place was considered for library in 1738, but the library location has taken seriously into account since the beginning of 20th century . This issue is the most important reason for rapidly developing the library and increase the number of researchers and readers of books in this place. Although the location of the library has changed in the ages, it has always been located next to the holy tomb and in the sacred places area.

The first complete and independent library was built in 1951 on the northwest side of the current Imam Khomeini portico (the previous courtyard of Imam Khomeini). Then, it was moved to the new and vast construction located on the top floor of AQR museum situated on the eastern side of the same portico in 1977.

The current splendid construction, which started to be built in 1981, was completed in 1993 with an infrastructure of 28,800 square meters and was used in the second half of 1994. This extensive construction was officially inaugurated on the joyful birthday of Samen al- Hojaj ( AS), on April 11, 1995, throughout a brilliant ceremony with the presence of the current president, Hazrat Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, the great custodian Of AQR,  many cultural characters, researchers,  and a number of librarians.


Overview of Central Library Construction:

Prayer room:

It has been constructed with an interlaced wooden ceiling and body and an area of nearly 120 square meters, and its wooden nets are like the interlaced drawings of holy tombs. There is an eye-catching pillar in the middle of the prayer room. This pillar is similar to a palm tree, whose foliage covers the ceiling of the mosque and turns it into a delightful and mystic place.  A  wooden palm tree reminiscent of the pillars of Quba mosque, the first Islamic mosque built by the holy Prophet ( PBUH) in Medina. Chunks of wood in small and large forms of leaves used in the ceiling have been placed one beside another with purposeful design. The names of infallible Imams ( AS), and then the names and attributes of the Lord in accordance with the leaves' surface, have been carved on them. Noble Hadith “ for whoever I am his leader, Ali is his leader” has been outlined in wooden mosaic style with the combination of frequent  Siyah Mashq "black practice" in Thuluth script in light and dark brown.


Library entrance:

From Sheikh Toosi Sanctuary to the library, there are two carved and gilded inscriptions on the northern walls of the entrance Iwan that indicate the history Of AQR library, the new building occasion, and the date of opening and use. One of these inscriptions has been inscribed in Persian and Nastaliq Jeli script, and the other in Arabic and Riq’a Jeli. Four innovative and new stone mosaic inscriptions have been engraved alongside the stairs. They include four texts about the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Supreme Leader of the revolution in Persian and gilded broken Nastaliq script. The safe deposit rooms for patrons have been located opposite of the stairs. The ceilings of these rooms have been decorated with colored Muqarnas stuccoses and a golden strip in the corners. The walls of this part have been covered with stone Girih with a combination of white stone and azure and red tiles seams. The combination of azure seams indicates the slogan of "there is no deity but God".

In the entrance hall next to this space,  there is a place in which general main stairs of the floors have been located. There are very diverse stuccoes in the last ceiling, including Muqarnas in rows around, four hanging Muqarnas plasters chandeliers, and very beautiful and artistic stuccoes net around it in the entrance hall. They were designed to give natural light. On the other side of this entrance wall, the portraits of Hazrat Imam (RA) and the Supreme Leader have been plastered and gilded, and its margin has been painted interestingly. On the other side of this picture, the holy verse of ” obey Allah, obey the prophet and those with authority “has been involved. The circulation section and lending book are situated on the right side of this entrance. On the left side of the wall of this section, there are plastered frames in three parts. In each part, there are remarkable plastered pictures of Qur’an verses in 2× 5 meters according to the science and knowledge subject.

There are two courtyards in the size of 33× 20 meters in the middle of the building on the second floor. The architecture of these courtyards is in traditional style with Iwans in around, which can be used through halls on the floors and provide natural enough light. The façade of these courtyards is a combination of bricks and tiles in the form of armbands and porcelain bricks, and plastery Rasmi- Bandi was used on the ceiling. Corners of the eight Iwans are connected in pairs on the sides and have been decorated in Karbandi form by plaster Muqarnas that connect the booth to the front Iwan. In the wooden doors of these courtyards, fifty Girih works of praise verses have been inscribed in the mosaic form which are related to the Khorasan.

The holy verse of “ Nun and the pen” has been written in all four portals facing Qibla. In the middle of one of the courtyards, there is a stone fountain under which has a firefighting emergency tank, and there are four gardens in each four corners that a stone base with carriage lantern lights has been installed in the middle of each garden. There is a stone skylight in the middle of another courtyard which lights up the basement from all around.   In the upper part of it, a replica of  the holy Qur’an and a few stone books around it have been installed, on which different names of the Qur’an and Islamic reference books have been carved. In the basement, in the lower part of the amphitheater, there is a relatively large hall equipped with self-service for serving. There are the following item in the other basement parts: open shelves halls for men, women,  and children,  audio- visual halls, an archive of Khorasan and Toos, a press and documents archive, a center of computer and database, and a book castle with a volume of 120 cubic meters with enough technical and executive requirements and a motor house.

Quds hall

Quds hall is one the masterpieces in original Islamic art. Creating a space for Congress, seminars, and domestic and foreign assemblies are the objectives of this hall building. This hall, with a size of 40 × 25 meters, has 761 seats equipped with an audio and video system and simultaneous translation. The walls of the hall have been decorated with contents of the Qur’an, prophetic Hadiths, and narrations of infallible Imams (AS). These walls have been skilfully plastered and illuminated by AQR artists.


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