French Muslim author of children's stories
The French Muslim author of children's stories said on the sidelines of holding the International Children's Day ceremony at the Central Library's Quds Hall: Writing for children requires patience to bring the work to maturity.
According to Razavi treasury, Claire Joubert said about her motivation to enter the field of children's literature: My joy from my childhood and learning from the different stories I read during that time made me interested in giving this joy to the children of this era.
He added: Children's literature encourages this age group to think and strengthen empathy in them.
While emphasizing the attention of children's authors to the surrounding environment for inspiration, this author stated:
New writers should learn to be patient, a story takes a long time to mature, and always be learning and not in a hurry.
It is worth mentioning that this author has written 3 books about the life of Imam Reza (AS.) and two works about his hadiths has been created.