The revolutionary government will control the ministries by the staff.
Bazargan’s government program will be announced at the university on Friday.
Most ministers were elected and are likely to be introduced by Saturday.
The name of 12 revolutionary cabinets in today's Ettela'at…
Bazargan Government Program
Bazargan: I am not afraid of the threat
Imam Khomeini: The nation should comment on Bazargan government
Bakhtiar: I accept the interim government as long as it's a joke.
Imam Khomeini: Islam is the religion of politics.
Probable members of…
Unprecedented flight of phantoms and helicopters over Tehran
Imam Khomeini: If the present government quits, we will solve the chaos.
Massive demonstrations to support Bazargan.
Today the flood of people in country shout: Bazargan, Bazargan, congratulation your government…
Astan Quds Razavi Press and Document Archive has the lithography print of the first copy of 72-years-old Iran's Press Law, written by Mohammad Ali Shah.
According to Razavi Treasury, Press Administrator of Astan Quds Libraries, Museums and document center announced that the…
Astan Quds Razavi Libraries deputy explained: This study hall contains 9000 printed sources and 1000 non-printed ones including audio and visual resources and defense data-bases. This hall is ready to provide services for researchers in this field by Razavi Thought Center of…