
Made available by Central Library Manuscript Management

Creating a study hall of manuscripts and lithographs for professors and researchers Manager of Manuscripts Center of Astan Quds Razavi Centra

l Library announced the creation of a study hall of manuscripts and lithographs for professors and researchers in this collection
According to Ganjineh Razavi, Abolfazl Hasanabadi listed direct access to manuscripts and having a special reading table if necessary as one of the characteristics of the manuscript study hall, which will be provided to the researcher by observing the maintenance conditions and administrative regulations. He stated that this center is the largest lithography center in the country with 58,329 copies.
Hassan Abadi also pointed to the statistics of valuable resources in this center and said: "Currently, 58329 manuscripts, 53020 Qurans and 14979 pamphlets are kept in the manuscript center of Razavi Central Library, which is included total of 180141 copies that some of these works are related to the early centuries of Islam, and some others are written by the great masters of calligraphy, such as Othman bin Hossein Waraq Ghaznavi and other calligraphic sultans."

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