Sections of the Festival
Sections of the Festival
Section One, Printed Books
The themes for the selection of the printed book of the year:
- Razavi history and morals
- Razavi sciences and doctrinal knowledge
- Pilgrimage
- Holy Shrine and sacred premises
- Poems
- Stories, plays and literary prose
- Children and adolescents
- Translation
- Foreign languages
Every winner in the above-mentioned sections will be awarded the festival’s statue, plaque of appreciation, and exquisite prizes.
Section Two, Digital Books
First Award: festival’s statue, plaque of appreciation, and exquisite prizes
Second Award: festival’s statue, plaque of appreciation, and exquisite prizes
Third Award: festival’s statue, plaque of appreciation, and exquisite prizes
Section Three, Dissertations
First Award: festival’s statue, plaque of appreciation, and exquisite prizes
Second Award: festival’s statue, plaque of appreciation, and exquisite prizes
Third Award: festival’s statue, plaque of appreciation, and exquisite prizes
Section Four, Supporting Razavi Works
The winners in this section will be awarded festival’s statue and plaque of appreciation. In addition, the secretariat of the festival will undertake to publish these works.
Section Five, Active Publishers
First Award: festival’s statue and plaque of appreciation
Second Award: festival’s statue and plaque of appreciation
Third Award: festival’s statue and plaque of appreciation
Section Six: Research and Promotional Journals
The chosen works in the said subject shall be awarded
with the festival plaque, letters of commendation, and
valuable rewards.
Section Seven: International
The chosen works in the said subject shall be awarded
with the festival plaque, letters of commendation, and the
following rewards:
• The award of the international section, granted to the
best authored works or those translated into popular languages on the main subject – i.e. Imam Riḍā (P.B.U.H.),
and his family.
• The award of the international section, granted to the
best authored works or those translated into popular
languages on the secondary subject – i.e. modern Islamic
civilization discourse.
• The “‘Ālim Āl Muḥammad (P.B.U.H.)” (The scholar
of the family of Muḥammad) award, granted to the most
active foreign publisher in the field of Islamic and Razavi
In the this section the following benefits have been considered:
• Supporting the publication of the best works authored
in a popular language on the festival’s main subject.
• Supporting the top institutes and publishers in the
reverse translation movement (translation from Farsi
into other languages) in the field of Islamic sciences and